Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thomas sets off for College!

Today our nest got a great deal emptier, because our firstborn set out for college!  (Specifically this one.)  Well, Jami and he set out, Jami grumbling because she had to drive the Prius (normally "my" car) because she reluctantly had to admit that all Thomas's stuff would never squeeze into her car, the smallest that Toyota makes.  Here is the car half-packed last night:

(The Keurig he won in a graduation bowling party at his high school.  I imagine it will soon go unused, because the coffee is crap and super-expensive.)  And here he is conspicuously not helping to pack:
Now this morning I finally shoehorned in the things he'd finally packed in the wee small hours after his parents had retired:
...and they were off!

(What the video does not show is that they came back five minutes later because Thomas forgot his phone.  No doubt we will discover over the next week or so what other vital things he forgot.)
It hasn't sunk in yet, but the house will seem very empty.  Martha will be inconsolable.  Little did Pretzel know that the tangy taste of Thomas's calf-flesh that Thomas allowed him to get this morning will be all he'll get until Thanksgiving...

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