Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Part III: Back in Yorkshire, July 2 - 13

 The glasshouse at the Botanic Garden
 Arbor Low.

 The Nine Ladies

 The Kelham Island Industrial Museum.
 Granny: "the Year Knife: originally made by a Sheffield firm (of course) Peter thinks for the 1851 Exhibition, it has a blade for every year, starting with 1851 blades, but he thinks the firm adds another each year. Not very practical."
 York Minster
Granny: "the Castle Museum (where there was a good exhibition on WW1, and reconstructed Victorian city streets)"
 The Clifford Tower, all that remains of the actual York Castle.

 The Derwent and Howden Reservoirs (Dambusters).

 From walks in the Porter Valley.

Yorkshire Wildlife park.

 Leeds Town Hall.
 Royal Armouries in Leeds.
  Ditto.  Granny: "the only extant complete set of elephant armour, apparently - I can't remember date, but not that old."

 That's finally it for the Armouries.
Entering the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
 "The Last Supper"
 "Molecule Man"

 Feeding ducks at Forge Dam (descendants of ducks he fed when he was about 7.)  From Thomas's last walk before his return home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He saw a lot. Was any trace left behind?
