Saturday, August 13, 2016

Steamy weather!

It's been incredibly humid (and in the 90s hot).  Two days ago we were speculating how bad it would be if the air conditioning went out, as it often does at the height of summer because of power outages.  Well, yesterday, what do you know?  The air conditioning broke.  Fortunately (a) it wasn't a power outage, and (b) someone was available to come and fix it, and (c) it just required a replacement part.  Actually, most of the time the workman was here was spend hosing down the A/C unit (the one just outside our side door) because it had got SUPER hot because of whatever part it was failing.  But now we have blissful air conditioning again.  And maybe it's because the A/C is now running properly or the weather is just even more ridiculously humid even than it's been, but this is what our (double-glazed, mind you) windows all look like:

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