Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Face Recognition Test

I (Simon) have always fancied myself good at recognizing faces.  So I was curious, on reading this New Yorker article on "super-recognizers", to take the Face Recognition Test it refers to.  Turns out, I am good with faces - I scored 96.  What's your score?  (Good thing there's not a "name-remembering" test, because I would totally flunk that.)


Unknown said...

Won't work on an iPad, needs a PC. Will try when I have replaced the batteries in my trackpad - all of which requires me to move - to which I am deeply resistant. Bugger being old.


Jami said...

Bah---it wasn't all that. And I say that not only because I (Jami) scored a 72%, well below species average (or so they say).