Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mikado rehearsals at Huckleberry Railroad

[Text written Thursday 13th August] Thomas got an email a few days ago from a piano instructor at the FIM who needed a percussionist to play in a small orchestra for the Mikado. Apparently she is the musical director for an local theater group that puts on 5 or 6 different plays and musicals every summer. Here is Thomas two nights ago, reading through a score. Because of a series of hapless events that had nothing to do with him, there were no percussion instruments for him to play on that night, so he just followed along during the rehearsal.
Here you can see a bit more of the stage which is obviously pretty small.  According to a pamphlet I was reading while killing time this is an old opera house that was built in Fenton in the 1800s but then moved to Crossroads Village (which is a tiny fake town made up of old buildings that were moved to there from various cities across Michigan).  During the day volunteers dressed in early 1800s outfits sit around (women knit and men play instruments or putz with horses) and, if you talk to them, they will tell you about their "daily work."  Very earnest.  That's Thomas with the decrepit orange hoodie.
This was last night and now Thomas has his instruments and is good to go. Last night was the last, and only apparently, dress rehearsal. So Thomas was under a lot of pressure to get it right. There isn't just the predictable bass drum and snare business when the soldiers march about, but also various triangle bits when the ladies sing, as well as various bells and whistles to signal pranks and slapstick antics. Thomas was a trooper and did an great job.
This is a sign on one of the kiosks at the start of the Village park. Thomas thought that was very amusing.

Hard to believe this is the same train that Simon, Frederick and I rode last December in that amazing snow storm. Where has the time gone? Pretty flowers just cuz. Here is the outside of the opera house. Here we are crossing the railroad tracks heading back to our car. Thomas has four performances this week (tonight, Friday, Saturday and a Sunday matinee) and, if he is feeling generous, four more next weekend. Since he starts school on Monday, I don't know how generous he will be feelings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope he was feeling generous and was rewarded by copious praise and appreciation.
