Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Kidding! More Mikado

Thomas did agree to play along with the Sunday matinee performance (three times while driving there--a 1.5 mile drive--he asked me, "Why is it called a matinee performance? And why are those aimed at kids and old people?") so he play along with a rehearsal and 8 performances. This past week all performances were in the Kearsley Park Pavilion a building that, I am sure, our faithful readers will remember from many a jaunt Simon and Frederick had during the worst winter days. It's one of our oft selected sledding sites. Here it is packed with about 200 people with plenty of room to spare. (I know it doesn't look like there are that many, but there are. I did a quick head count while I watched the closing song.Here is the orchestra, tucked neatly on the right. It was nice to see a part of Flint that is normally abandoned, loaded up with lots of kids and old people. If only it were like this every day...After the performance ended I had to wait another half an hour or so while Thomas packed up the percussion bits (lots of bells and whistles to go with the gongs and drums) and suffer having his picture taken. Theatre people really go for picture taking in a big way.I know Thomas was glad to be free of this, especially with school starting, but I think he actually enjoyed himself during the shows. He certainly did a bang up (so to speak) job with so little chance to prepare.

[Simon addition] Here're a couple of snippets at the very end of the Mikado at one of the evening performances in Kearsley Park: 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad he did the whole gig despite the aggro. A professional well on the way . He's a pro.
