Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summertime Clay Class

Last month Frederick was enrolled in a four week clay class themed "Tea Party."  Specifically, the kids were encouraged to think of the Mad Tea Party as featured in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Here are Frederick's creations: a working tea pot, a perfectly functional and ergonomically designed teacup and saucer, and a cake dish (sporting a non-edible cupcake).  All the products were made with porcelain clay which always looks nice, but it very difficult to work with.  The next class, which won't start until about mid-September, is going to be.....(wait for it)....Musical Instruments!!!  Can it get any better than that?  And then in mid-October he will be in the Holiday class, as last year.  I am guessing that there will be more ornaments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! They are impressive. I particularly like the cup.
