Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Mikado performance

Anxious to find out what all the fuss was about, Simon and Jimmy went to see the Mikado last Thursday. Isn't this the same picture I took>? The Opera House...again.I don't remember seeing this during the musical.Definitely the same picture I took.Something or other.Who are these people?Thomas too small to see clearly (against the wall on the left side of the orchestra group). Thomas agreed to play along with two more performances (tomorrow and Friday) but flat out refused to play Saturday as he has a "prior engagement" (an online gaming event, I suspect). The final performance is Sunday at 3:00. He won't say one way or the other if he will play for that. Whatever happens, there will be no more photos of The Mikado.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope it all went well.
