Saturday, April 19, 2014

Walking Tour Downtown San Diego, pt 1

Since the session I am chairing is not scheduled to begin until 3:00, I had a LOT of spare time on my hands this morning. So I looked at Google maps to find the direction of the ocean and made my way directly west, walking down Broadway Street. Just a few feet from my hotel are the Halls of Justice.There is a nice mix of old design and new. Here is a very old looking YMCA. (Well, old for California.)And here is another new building. Somewhere in that photo is a very fancy Bank of America. So that is where all the bank fees go. I thought of Thomas when I saw these crystal rock light posts. I am going to head back out tonight after dark to see if they illuminate. When he was 10, he would have been very keen about such a thing. I am sure now it would be ho-hum to him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

San Diego has a lot of buildings!
