Tuesday, April 15, 2014

T'omas's Irish T'ings

Thomas went to Ireland with more than $300 in his checking account and a shiny debit card in his wallet, $160 Euros and almost $20 US. I told him to spend the Euros first as they would be not much good to him here. He acted as if he couldn't hear me, which isn't unusual for him when I am trying to tell him something important/relevant. Nonetheless, he came home with quite a treasure trove: Although he brought home enough Mentos to feed a small village, they are almost gone and his bedroom is knee-deep in Mentos wrappers. I can't imagine why he claims to feel ill today. I asked Thomas if the Irish people he met said things like "Faith and Ba'Gorah". Apparently not. Nor did he hear a single "feck." What did amuse him was that they drop the 'h' when words start with 'th'. So, 'thin' and 'thing' sound like 'tin' and 'ting'. Like Thomas? I asked. He smiled, "Yeah, it's great."

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