Thursday, April 17, 2014

Philosophers in San Diego

I (Jami) wrote a paper over a year ago and now, finally, it is time to present it at the APA (American Philosophical Association) Pacific Division conference. My paper is scheduled to be part of a 3 person presentation/session tomorrow night from 7 to 10--which is 10 to midnight my time. That won't be good--or maybe it will be better as I will be too sleepy to be nervous. I had to leave at an ungodly hour to get to the Detroit airport in time for all the security bullshit--and of course the construction that closed I-75 southbound which is what I would need to take to get to the airport. I did get to the airport in the end (obviously) so all was well until we were settled in on the plane and it started the business of "taxiing" away from the docking station. We rumbled along and then there was a violent jolt, a huge crash and then we stopped dead. Apparently the ground crew tried to tow the plane with a defective tow-bar, it broke, and then they broke the landing lights. So, that had to be dealt with. It was a mixed feeling indeed when we set off the second time: anxious to get on our way, no one wanting to be on a plane that was slapped together in order to rush things along. (And recent plane and ferry crashes do not put anyone at ease.) Eventually we landed in San Diego and I found a shuttle to take me to the hotel. I grabbed the best seat first and waited for other people to load on. One guy, who was 50-something and looked very much like an academic, was headed to the same hotel. I asked him if he was a philosopher and indeed he is, at Minnesota State U (The Other MSU). The driver was very much perplexed when we told her that there would be easily over 500 philosophers going to a conference this weekend and she should expect many more philosophical passengers. Upon arriving at the hotel, there were 20 or so tweedy sorts who looked like they were playing the part of the philosopher. Here is my room: And, just as important as the desk, giant flatscreen tv and two beds (so I can jump from one to the other all weekend) is the bathroom. I like the humongous stack of fluffy towels and leaf-shaped soap. Two mirrors, as if anyone wants to see their travel-worn face that badly. This looks interesting. Part of the view from my room. Since it is overcast I have no idea what direction I am facing, or which way the ocean is. This is more of the view from my window. This character looks decidedly suspect. Philosopher or Super Spy?

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