Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snow (and more snow)

So, right on cue, just as we're about to offload the kids on school, the blizzard comes.  Today was pretty balmy (about 30 Fahrenheit) so I thought we should try sledding before the roads became impassable.  Frederick was game:
It was suboptimal because the snow was very light and powdery so you just sank down in it.  Worse, it was on top of sheet ice, so walking back up was pretty much impossible.  But we made a go of it.
Well, it was still not too cold, so I suggested we take a stroll into the office.  Once again, Frederick humored me.

Once there, we divested ourselves of all but the innermost layer.  As you can see, we came prepared:
 These babies are my new pride and joy.  After suffering cold tootsies in my previous wellies, despite wearing ski socks inside thick woolly socks, I made a trip to Tractor Supply yesterday to buy INSULATED wellies.  And boy were they worth it.  Yes, I am aware they're hideous, but I DON'T CARE.  They even have little handles to make it easy to pull them on.  Now that's thoughtful design.
 The ducks want to know where their insulated wellies are.  They're sad now, but wait till tomorrow when it's supposed to be wind chills of minus 30 or more...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Phew! Granny just made it. Glad you are well wrapped and booted.
