Monday, January 6, 2014

Snorkel Parka

Against the advice of all weather prognosticators, Frederick and I set out for another trek into my office (all schools having been canceled, and us being stir crazy).  At one point, the wind was so bad his legs blew clean off:
 Snow was piled high everywhere:
 But as long as he could eat as much of it as he liked, Frederick was happy:
 I was just glad I had my parka.  When I were a lad, these things were called "snorkel parkas" (I believe Matthew was at one time associated with a group, possibly the "Psychotic Suck Maidens", who had a song of that name) for obvious reasons:


Unknown said...

Is this "The Vortex"?


The Cushanderingsons said...

I believe it is, although "Polar Vortex" seems to have moved past "Arctic Vortex" in popularity.