Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our bread machine had a baby

We're currently a half-and-half household, gluten-wise. Thomas and I partake, while Jami and Frederick abstain. Since Granny pointed out that we were mixing the two rather cavalierly, we made the decision to establish a clear separation. Also, whenever I make a gluten-free loaf, half of it seems to vanish 2 seconds after it emerges from the bread machine, but then the remaining half tends to sit there getting stale (which it does rather quickly). With that in mind, Jami found a smaller bread machine (still made by the trusted Zojirushi) which arrived on our doorstep yesterday. Isn't it adorable?
Here is our gluten-free workspace now, complete with brand new, never glutenized toaster and separate butter dish:
Here's where we toast the regular bread:
I decided to baptize the baby with a loaf about a third of the proportions of our usual loaf, as follows:
Turns out that was a bit TOO tiny. This loaf disappeared entirely the second Frederick saw it: I'm trying again with about 2/3 proportions. I'll keep you posted, if you can stand the suspense.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome gluten free work space! And your supply of Marmite is holding up, I notice.
