Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dunes and Falls

After the Fly Incident, we were cautious about future wood walks, and this sign didn't help:
However, we found that that particular fly was a very localized phenomenon and managed to go unmolested the rest of our explorations.  Grandpa was determined, dicky ticker and all, to scale a real dune.  So here he is, about to brave the ascent:
He made it to the top just in time to play Sherpa Tensing to my Edmund Hillary:

A hard choice indeed, but as we had already done one, we were ready for the other:
And very pretty it was, too:
Our lust for scenery sated, we set out for home.  And got a nasty speeding ticket on the way.  But seriously, 55 mph limits throughout the entire, practically empty UP?  Not fair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like a fabulous trip - flies and all.
