Saturday, August 25, 2012

Thomas's Birthday Part II

All the kids Thomas would want to come over on his birthday were out of town on his birthday (and it didn't help that he was in school on his birthday), so we had Omid, Thomas's percussion mate, and his sister Arezu (Is that how she spells her name? Some day we will ask.) over today to make up for things. For the first hour, they played in Thomas's room and all I could hear were squeals of laughter and crashes of furniture. Eventually, they came down, hungry and needing a change of scenario. After stuffing themselves with various food items, they headed outside for a water fight in the pool. Just about then, Simon and Frederick came home from the lake and Frederick joined in. Here they all are on the trampoline:
Frederick notices me taking pictures.
Here the point is for three to bounce all together to "pop" the fourth kid. Usually at least one kid gets hurt.
Frederick gets "popped."
Omid in the middle.
Arezu. (She's a pistol. Only missing a small bit of her small finger after messing with one of Thomas's turtles.)
If they spent three hours bouncing on the trampoline, why am I the one exhausted from having them over here?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Waiting all that time for a disaster? the tension....
