Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walks with Frederick

Emily's been under the weather this week, so there was a lot of Daddy-Frederick time. And that means long walks! First, on Monday, we visited a really nice big state park called Richfield Park that F. must've visited with Emily often, because he knew it backwards and forwards. The following was by the side of a path: somebody must have died here, but what of?
A nice bridge..
And the steps thereto:
Tuesday brought Davison Park, a favourite hangout of E & F. Here he demonstrates a good tree-climbing method:
And here we see the cause of Frederick's recent interest in skateboards:

Now on to Wednesday. This is a park by a lake just outside Ann Arbor. It was a beautiful day for a walk, as you can see...
The path leads to this thingie between a lake and a river. Previous posts have shown it in full flood, but it was quiet today...
...and the water at the bottom was clear enough to see the gigantic catfish. (This picture was taken from about 30 feet above.)
Afterwards I took Frederick on a tour of all the exciting things that Ann Arbor has to offer. Well, actually just the stacks of the library, but he was very patient. Finally, we stopped off at Seven Lakes Park on the way back from Ann Arbor, swam, and had a quick swing before heading home.
Fortunately, Emily is feeling better, so Frederick's education can resume tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You must be feeling fit!
