Thursday, May 31, 2012

Skateboard practice

Emily said some time ago that Frederick was interested in skateboarding and was "fascinated" with "the big kids" so, as posted earlier, we got him a skateboard for his birthday. I expected him to be vaguely interested for a while but he is ADDICTED to that thing. He CANNOT STAY OFF IT for two seconds. He can't walk across the room without hopping onto it and wheeling across, back and forth he goes, every single day, every chance he gets.
At first he clung to every piece of furniture available, but now he fairly effortlessly glides across the room (forwards and backwards), balancing on the board. And now every once in a while I see him attempting a "trick" like trying to stick a foot out to the side, or in back like a flamingo or donkey. He can't manage that for more than a split second, but school ends tomorrow and with the rest of the summer in front of him, he will have a lot of practice time available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prepare for stardom!