Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Frederick is nine!

Today was just about the best day ever for Frederick. He woke up beside himself with excitement for his BIG DAY and remained in full squeal mode all day.
According to Emily, he was treated to the "Happy Birthday" song in his main class, art class and in music class.  Here he is just after getting home clearly geeked about getting his presents.
What's this?  A new skateboard and helmet?!?!  What would possess us to buy such a thing for him? 
Thomas on call in case Frederick needs anything explained or help opening any presents.
Frederick slowly plows his way through the heap.
Emily set up a present hunt--9 presents for a 9 year old--which took him outside into the rain.
One present was in the mailbox.
Here is the big one--a Cat in the Hat game. 
Meanwhile, we were filling up the pool which must mean that summer is officially here.  Unfortunately, the weather sees it otherwise and treated us to a cold and rainy day.  The grim weather didn't stop Frederick was standing at the pool's edge and asking repeatedly if he could get his swimsuit on.  We told him it was too cold today to swim, but I don't think he really believed us.  The sea dragon in the pool is a birthday present from Thomas. 
Frederick gives his candles a mighty blast.  (Thomas is helping out with a water pistol--with no water it in--another pool present which Thomas later filled up with pool water and squirted at the ducks as he chased them around the backyard.)  This year Frederick asked for vanilla cake and frosting, so that is what he got.
Here Frederick (after his bath) shows off his skateboarding moves.
He is still a bit wobbly but clearly willing to keep at it.  He has a date with Emily at the skate park tomorrow after school.
Thanks to all grandparents who sent presents - they were wonderful!


Unknown said...

Lovely! What a happy nine year old boy.


Unknown said...

I altogether agree with Frederick about the pool. We too have been having wintry weather but Isaac and I were in our pool last Tuesday - water temperature 15 C. You can enjoy yourself and shiver afterwards ...

Happy birthday and lots of love