Friday, May 18, 2012

Basement Bathroom Begins

Connie began working on our soon-to-be downstairs bathroom on Tuesday. I confess I think the progress is SLOW but Simon thinks things are flying along. Just goes to show. Tuesday, Wednesday and some of Thursday mainly featured a lot of jackhammering. I am glad I had to be at work most those days. Simon, suffering from a mild "summer cold," stayed home but did not get much rest. The worst part about having the floor split open was the SMELL that was released. I am starting to suspect this house was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and the fetid stench of torturous death and decay was released. On top of the special blend of mold, mildew and damp, on Thursday we were treated to noxious glue fumes after she cut, placed and attached the new pvc pipes. Today, finally, the Hell Hole has been sealed up with cement and the smells are trapped in the UnderWorld where they belong.
Hmmm. I don't remember Connie stamping the cement with tiny cat prints.
Now we have to wait until Tuesday, when the floor will be solid as a ROCK, for the next stage to begin. What will it be--the shower? sink? walls? floor tiles? It's so exciting I can hardly STAND IT!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! He'd better book his ticket NOW!!!
