Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Basement Bathroom's progress

Here are a few photos to show how the basement bathroom progresses. Although, with the outside wall framed in (and the crappy little, temporary light in place) it is a bit difficult to see what is going on. This will be the shower corner.
This is the outside wall. The wall piece across the floor is just to keep the cats out tonight while the new cement on the floor dries.
Here is the opposite corner, where the sink will go, on the left side, and the toilet will go, on the right side. It will be a VERY TIGHT squeeze.

Skateboard practice

Emily said some time ago that Frederick was interested in skateboarding and was "fascinated" with "the big kids" so, as posted earlier, we got him a skateboard for his birthday. I expected him to be vaguely interested for a while but he is ADDICTED to that thing. He CANNOT STAY OFF IT for two seconds. He can't walk across the room without hopping onto it and wheeling across, back and forth he goes, every single day, every chance he gets.
At first he clung to every piece of furniture available, but now he fairly effortlessly glides across the room (forwards and backwards), balancing on the board. And now every once in a while I see him attempting a "trick" like trying to stick a foot out to the side, or in back like a flamingo or donkey. He can't manage that for more than a split second, but school ends tomorrow and with the rest of the summer in front of him, he will have a lot of practice time available.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walks with Frederick

Emily's been under the weather this week, so there was a lot of Daddy-Frederick time. And that means long walks! First, on Monday, we visited a really nice big state park called Richfield Park that F. must've visited with Emily often, because he knew it backwards and forwards. The following was by the side of a path: somebody must have died here, but what of?
A nice bridge..
And the steps thereto:
Tuesday brought Davison Park, a favourite hangout of E & F. Here he demonstrates a good tree-climbing method:
And here we see the cause of Frederick's recent interest in skateboards:

Now on to Wednesday. This is a park by a lake just outside Ann Arbor. It was a beautiful day for a walk, as you can see...
The path leads to this thingie between a lake and a river. Previous posts have shown it in full flood, but it was quiet today...
...and the water at the bottom was clear enough to see the gigantic catfish. (This picture was taken from about 30 feet above.)
Afterwards I took Frederick on a tour of all the exciting things that Ann Arbor has to offer. Well, actually just the stacks of the library, but he was very patient. Finally, we stopped off at Seven Lakes Park on the way back from Ann Arbor, swam, and had a quick swing before heading home.
Fortunately, Emily is feeling better, so Frederick's education can resume tomorrow.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Basement Bathroom Begins

Connie began working on our soon-to-be downstairs bathroom on Tuesday. I confess I think the progress is SLOW but Simon thinks things are flying along. Just goes to show. Tuesday, Wednesday and some of Thursday mainly featured a lot of jackhammering. I am glad I had to be at work most those days. Simon, suffering from a mild "summer cold," stayed home but did not get much rest. The worst part about having the floor split open was the SMELL that was released. I am starting to suspect this house was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and the fetid stench of torturous death and decay was released. On top of the special blend of mold, mildew and damp, on Thursday we were treated to noxious glue fumes after she cut, placed and attached the new pvc pipes. Today, finally, the Hell Hole has been sealed up with cement and the smells are trapped in the UnderWorld where they belong.
Hmmm. I don't remember Connie stamping the cement with tiny cat prints.
Now we have to wait until Tuesday, when the floor will be solid as a ROCK, for the next stage to begin. What will it be--the shower? sink? walls? floor tiles? It's so exciting I can hardly STAND IT!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Art night

It was fine arts night again at Thomas's and Frederick's school. Both produced dozens of amazing pictures in art class during this school year. Here is just a tiny sampling of there work. Here is some of Frederick's:
And here is some more of Frederick's:
Here is some of Thomas's:
And a bit more:
Prior to the performances, several students pretended to be various famous artists and demonstrated their art styles. Thomas was Andy Warhol. He acknowledged that his hair was not truly Warholian, but he did a good job giving biographical info and acting rather aloof and bizarre.
Here is a friend of Thomas's, Ashley, who was playing the part of a woman sculptor. (I'll ask Thomas tomorrow her name. I saw it but can't remember it now.)
After playing with the band (which, to be honest, did not hold as candle to Thomas's FIM ensembles), Thomas performed as Poseidon in the school musical. We had no idea Thomas was going to be in a play, let alone sing a solo. He was quite impressive, easily singing better than the other kids and actually doing a great job of taking his part seriously and being sympathetic. I had no idea he had it in him.
Here are the rest of the kids waiting in the wings for their parts and in the meanwhile singing as the Greek chorus.
This is Thomas's last year at Valley and I think, despite himself, he is going to miss it more than he now realizes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Frederick is nine!

Today was just about the best day ever for Frederick. He woke up beside himself with excitement for his BIG DAY and remained in full squeal mode all day.
According to Emily, he was treated to the "Happy Birthday" song in his main class, art class and in music class.  Here he is just after getting home clearly geeked about getting his presents.
What's this?  A new skateboard and helmet?!?!  What would possess us to buy such a thing for him? 
Thomas on call in case Frederick needs anything explained or help opening any presents.
Frederick slowly plows his way through the heap.
Emily set up a present hunt--9 presents for a 9 year old--which took him outside into the rain.
One present was in the mailbox.
Here is the big one--a Cat in the Hat game. 
Meanwhile, we were filling up the pool which must mean that summer is officially here.  Unfortunately, the weather sees it otherwise and treated us to a cold and rainy day.  The grim weather didn't stop Frederick was standing at the pool's edge and asking repeatedly if he could get his swimsuit on.  We told him it was too cold today to swim, but I don't think he really believed us.  The sea dragon in the pool is a birthday present from Thomas. 
Frederick gives his candles a mighty blast.  (Thomas is helping out with a water pistol--with no water it in--another pool present which Thomas later filled up with pool water and squirted at the ducks as he chased them around the backyard.)  This year Frederick asked for vanilla cake and frosting, so that is what he got.
Here Frederick (after his bath) shows off his skateboarding moves.
He is still a bit wobbly but clearly willing to keep at it.  He has a date with Emily at the skate park tomorrow after school.
Thanks to all grandparents who sent presents - they were wonderful!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Biblical floods!

A major storm blew through Flint last night.  Major enough that power went out downtown and all the schools decided to have an early weekend.

This was filled last night, so I emptied it, and it filled again overnight.

The Flint River overran its banks.
And mighty oaks were ripped asunder!  Or something like that.