Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's Christmas time...

Jami settled for a somewhat smaller tree than has been her custom of yore. On the plus side, she could carry it around tucked under her arm. And small though it be, its bounty was indeed, erm, bountiful. (And by the way, it's not actually snowing inside. I don't know what's up with my camera, though.)

Here you can see the fam. enjoying said bounty. (And that green thing is not the macabre-ly severed leg of the grinch, but in fact Frederick's stocking.)

Thomas, pleased by Grandpa and Margaret's Lego loot. (So were we - it kept him busy for hours.)

Thomas models his Granny-hat (and yes, he did pick out the colours himself). Jami can't take the Christmas spirit ANY MORE. That, and the fact that Thomas awoke at SIX THIRTY, full to the brim with yuletide cheer. Funny how that never happens on a school day.

The rest of the day was fairly low-key. We were spared the Christmas Dinner frenzy by the fact that we'd neglected to do the shopping until after 7 on the 24th, whereupon I discovered that everywhere (and I mean it - even Wal-Mart!) was closed. So we had a very nice Lasagna, with apple crumble to follow. And so to bed, with only the sounds of bleeping from the next room from Thomas's new Nintendo DS (and if you don't know what that is, you are so totally un-coral) to lull us to sleep.


Unknown said...

Bountiful indeed! Glad Thomas like the Lego.

Brilliant idea to forget to shop. It was hell out there - and what's wrong with lasagne and crumble anyway?

Of course it might have been embarrassing if you'd invited folk round for a party.....


The Cushanderingsons said...

...which is why we NEVER invite ANYONE around. Saves trouble all round.
Thanks for everything - your gifts in particular were generous and well-received. Tried to call on Xmas, but nobody in. Hope that means you were out having a wild time (with Grandma, of course, so probably at Mr. David's...)

Unknown said...

We went to see Mary in the morning and in the afternoon to a Hawksley gathering (extra jollity because Ruth is due to give birth in late May). Mary can't hear at the moment. Jeremy took her to audiology (various problems which can, most probably be sorted out to some extent). She came here for Christmas celebration last week and we had to write things down!

Glad presents were enjoyed!


Jeremy said...

Have never wakened up to the meaning of 'coral'. Apart from that, it sounds like an absolutely bog-standard Christmas. Of course they wake up early! I expect I did, too. My parents arranged for me to have Eagle comic delivered every week, and gave me breakfast in bed at the weekends (the comic was always saved up until Saturday, when it was served up with breakfast). And it never occurred to me to wonder why.