Sunday, December 16, 2007

Flint Handmade Craft Fair

On December 1st, The Lunch Studio hosted the first annual Flint City Homemade Craft Fair. I joined in when I thought it would be no big deal but was a bit anxious when the doors opened at 10 a.m. and there was a line of people crushing to get in. The crowd was amazing--particularly given that it was the only thing going on in downtown Flint on a Saturday. (And people from Flint know that that is no exaggeration--"nothing going on" really means NOTHING going on.) I covered for Stephanie Bills (of "Frankenstitch Monsta" fame) who has to work at the rival restaurant, Steady Eddy's (great pancakes, but sandwiches greasy). Here is a display of her works that Thomas has collected through the years. Payment for minding her table was that little wombatty thing front and center. I can't remember his name. [And for those that measure success in terms of cash intake, I did all right--taking in just over $400. I even cultivated a slightly scary fan who tracked me down to harangue me about Christmas stockings.]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Splendid collection. What is the "thing" with the three white circles?
