Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snowed In--Again

On December 27th I flew to Baltimore to attend the Eastern APA (American Philosophy Association--yes, there really is such a thing) for three days. This is the big jobbing conference and most people are there not to attend papers or book sessions but to apply for jobs or, as we were doing, conduct interviews for a new opening in our department. Imagine 2 days of interviewing candidates, 30 minutes each with only a few minutes in between, from 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. By the end of the second day, I didn't care who we hired. As I sat there, listening to each person tell us how great their teaching was (and most of them really did sound great), I could just see across a very crowded room (39 other tables filled with philosophers and philosopher wannabes), through the hallway and out of a really large window overlooking the bay. Sigh. And as my stay wore on, rumors started flying that a massive snow storm was heading towards the midwest and airport closings were expected--for late Sunday afternoon and evening. My flight left early Sunday morning, but I wasn't feeling too confident as reports of 2 or more feet of snow were being predicted. (And I heard that parts of the Ricky Mountains got 8 feet of snow but that just sounds ridiculous.) Luckily, though, the flight was unremarkable and I made it home just fine--but we awoke to this on Monday morning.


Unknown said...

Wow! You do get serious snow. All we have is MORE rain and gales. Much less fun.

Hope you get a successful "hire".

Jeremy said...

Still can't avoid a surge of excitement at the idea of blizzards. Sod it, we never even have snow in Devon these days. Global warming, bugger it.