Sunday, December 16, 2007

Granny visits

Granny visited for almost three weeks right after Thanksgiving. She immediately set to work in our kitchen, making bread, cakes and cookies every day. (Simon figures that as a family we ate over a stick of butter every day--scary.) And when she wasn't cooking, she was knitting. And here she is pictured doing both at the same time!

Here Jane attempts to teach me how to use my long ignored knitting machine. And in just three days I completed Thomas's newest sweater (green, dark red, light red, orange and yellow striped--he looks like a giant roll of lifesavers wearing it). It wasn't fun, but it was interesting. It was also extremely uncomfortable hunched over, straining with anxiety--a surefire recipe for upper back pain. Still, now I know how to use it and the world will be my knitted oyster.


Unknown said...

Awesome industry! ... on both your parts.


Jeremy said...

Any connection with Jane and you will find yourself involved in some craft pursuit or other, all done to the highest possible standards with massive intellectual backup (shelves and shelves of how-to books). I well remember shirts, all sewn with proper collars and cuffs (unimaginably complex), knitting of every kind, freezers full of home-made wholemeal bread and endlessly varied cooking ('It's an experiment') and so on. Funnily enough, I used to do all the gardening, then as soon as I was out of the way she leapt on the garden as yet another craft skill and now excels in that too.