Friday, April 5, 2024

James Taggart (1996-2024)

Jimmy died this past week.  It was sudden, and to us, unexpected, as we'd heard that he'd got his life settled after a tumultuous period.  It turns out that the truth was more complicated: he had apparently got himself clean (although it was drugs that caused his death) but his work life had been a bit more unsettled than we'd been led to believe.  However, unexpected as his death was, Jimmy was never likely to live to a ripe old age.  He was dealt a poor hand.  However, he was very sweet at heart, had his own quirky sense of humor (and thanks to him I will always think of "hope springs eternal" as "hope springs a turtle") and he and Thomas had some good times when they were both little.  Just one more reminder that the world can be incredibly shitty.

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