Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cousins, (Non)-Identical Cousins, as You Can See

Jimmy and Thomas joined this evening's trip to For-Mar. As usual, For-Mar's resident fauna didn't disappoint. The boys got to see a dozen or so little turtles (I know a few were painted bellies, but am not sure about the non-striped ones) and one MASSIVE snapper. That guy was at least 2 feet long and clearly enjoying the "oohs" and "aahs" coming from the kids at the water's edge. Ol' Snappy did a few stunts, bobbing his head in and out of the water, spun slowly, and then let a little turtle (a mere 6 incher) settle onto his back for a ride. They also saw damsel and dragonflies by the thousands. (And, fortunately, we know the difference between the two because we are loyal fans of David Attenborough's dvds. For those that have not yet had the pleasure, Sir David claims that dragonflies perch with their wings apart whereas and damselflies perch with their wings folded.) We also saw catfish, frogs, a deer and heard something rather large rustling in the tall grass a few feet from us. We didn't investigate but chose to let him or her have their privacy.

In this picture, Jimmy is heading to the water so that damselflies will land on his hand (one did) and Thomas is going to find and catch a frog (plenty of frogs, none willing to be caught). We decided it was time to go when Jimmy got scratched by something nasty that gave him itchy, stinging welts on his ankle and Thomas twisted his ankle. Despite their wounded ankles (and, perhaps, because of them), Thomas and Jimmy had a great time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is summer in Flint as well as wonderful creatures to track!

The effect of El Nino here is that it is always raining. Fortunately we've avoided the Bangladesh level of flooding that has hit central England. Already parts of Oxford are only navigable by boat - and there's more to come.

My first sight of Jimmy - though I think you've mentioned him before.