Thursday, February 23, 2023

Off to Denver

Got up at 4 AM Flint time, to get to the airport a good 2 hours ahead of flight departure at 6:30. I seemed to be the only one who took the supposedly mandatory 2 hour cushion seriously. Here's Flint from above as we departed (having been "de-iced" because today was a big winter storm day...and here we are flying down into Chicago, where it was rainy. (Didn't stop us having to be de-iced before take-off here as well.)Denver airport is fancy! But very confusing.Descending to the train that takes one to central Denver. And then walking from Union Station to the Hotel. I was very glad of my thermal undershirt and my parka.View from (and of) room 1728 of the Hilton.Found a nearby cheap'n'cheerful Thai restaurant (in the basement of an otherwise-deserted mall) for dinner. Luckily it was only a couple of blocks away, because it was 3 degrees F walking through Downtown Denver. I ate in my Parka and had hot tea with the meal so I could warm my hands round the cup. Denver has trams!

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