Friday, February 24, 2023

I'm getting too old for this shit

My flight out of Denver (to Chicago, thence to Flint) was supposed to depart at 8:15 AM. I got conflicting reports about how long it would take to get to the airport. One person said 45 minutes in an Uber, an hour and a half on the train (which is about 15 minutes walk away from the hotel), while another had those numbers reversed if I was traveling any time after 6, because apparently that's peak traffic time on the Denver freeways. I decided to take the train, and, because I seem to have a morbid fear of missing flights, I figured I'd get up at 5 AM (which, after all, is 7 AM Flint time) and take the train. So I set up a wake-up call and (after having an Indian meal with Thomas that required a drive 2 miles through Denver to a strip mall to find that the restaurant had rather misrepresented itself online) closed my eyes at about midnight Flint time. Of course I kept waking up, and so I didn't really need the wakeup call, but I did get a text from American Airlines about my flight being on time, so I set off walking (in 1 degree temperature) for Union Station (see blurry picture above). Well, I was about 2/3 of the way there when I got a text saying that the flight would now be taking off at noon. Phooey, I thought, I could've slept in. But it was too late now - I'd checked out, so I continued. Then, as I was waiting on the frigid platform, along with a homeless guy who was pacing and yelling, I got a text saying it was now 2. Sigh. But nothing for it but to keep going. And when I arrived at the airport around 6, I was relieved that I wasn't in a hurry, because I have never seen a line for the security checks that was longer in any airport ever. If my flight was taking off on time I would've been panicking, even though the line moved amazingly quickly. (Entertainment was provided by a large gaggle of Italians who kept blocking the line behind me getting so caught up in their gesticulating arguments that they forgot to trudge forward.) And here it is, HOURS later. I have been gouged beyond all reason by the ridiculous prices for everything (except the free wifi, thankfully), but have found that there is a blissful refuge on an upper concourse that is practically deserted and seems only known to hardy Denver airport regulars. American airlines did eventually send me a text offering me a new flight from Chicago to Flint, as mine would be long gone by the time I arrived, so that was nice. So now instead of arriving in Flint around 3:30, I will be there around 9:30 (fingers crossed). Time to toddle on down to the gate to discover if they've delayed it AGAIN. I must say, I see families traveling with kids and I marvel. Did we ever do that? Ah to be young and foolhardy.

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