Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Shiawassee Flats, picturesque as always

There's a drive that goes all the way around this reserve. It's one way, and you're supposed to go at a snail's pace to view/not disturb the birds. It's been closed for a long time over the winter, but today the gate was open, so I thought we'd drive a bit of the way around and start our walk at a different point for a change. Well, we did our walk (see below) and then resumed the drive, hoping against hope that there wouldn't be any "mimsers" (to use my father's term for slow drivers), because you can't get round them except at a small number of junctures. Instead, we ran into a ton of white vans all clustered together, and the driver of one of them looked at us very suspiciously and asked how we got in. Apparently they're still fixing a point on the drive and they hadn't meant to leave the gate open. So we got to drive the wrong way down the one-way, single-lane road, which gave me a little thrill of rebellion.

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