Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Mince Pi...zza

I managed to track down some mincemeat (no mean feat in Flint, MI) and was determined to try to make some mince-related delicacy, restricted somewhat by not being able to use wheat, rice, corn or potato flour or dairy products.  So I tried a version of the three-layer (pastry, mince, sponge) thingy, with the pastry being arrowroot flour and coconut oil and the sponge part being my usual "bread" of almond and tapioca flour.  Here's what I came up with:
"It'll look better when it's baked," I thought.  Well... you be the judge:
Let's see what a slice looks like:
Well, let's just say after sampling it, Jami reassured me that I would get no competition for the rest of it.  The main problem is the arrowroot "pastry".  It's frankly gummy.  And that flour was bought by Granny and probably not on her most recent visit.  Still, _I_ like it:

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