Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Chickens are a Disappointment

I know they were my [Jami's] idea, so I am taking full responsibility. They wreck the yard, escape and roam the neighbors' property daily, and crap everywhere all the time. And of the 9 new chickens, only one seems to have laid a single egg:

It's an amusing little number, sort of teal blue, and about the size of an apricot (a small apricot).
[Simon edit: this is an exaggeration.  We get about 4 eggs a day now, and at most two of those come from the two remaining older chickens.  But the teal ones are surprising.  Apparently they're laid by the mutton-chop (i.e., bristly Victorian sideburns) ones and they're called "easter eggs" because they tend to be pastel.]

Instead of laying eggs, they also spend their days eating. Always eating.

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