Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"But Pretzel was lonely..."

Pretzel has indeed been pretty mopey since he lost his life partner.  For a week or so he wouldn't even let us come near him, which, for someone who is better known for repeated ankle-nipping (to prompt the nip-ee to throw him in the air, his fave thing in the world), was a marked change.  Here he is, skulking:
BUT FEAR NOT: Jami took pity on his plight and ordered FOUR ducklings ("I just can't choose between them!") which have been traveling for a while, and arrived at the post office this morning.  Here's the box they came in:
And here they are, miraculously healthy and unharmed:
They are all female, so more eggs.  (What are we going to do with 19 eggs a day??)  If I got what I paid for, they are: a Blue Swede and a Black Swede (they are the hardiest ducks IN THE WORLD, or so the duck dealer says) and a Black Indian Runner and a Blue Indian Runner--which, being from India, are NOT the hardiest ducks in the world.  BUT they are famous for their "highly social personality."  So there's that.  Fortunately, Pretzel's mansion is more than big enough for 5 ducks, so once they have their waterproof feathers (regular duck feathers rather than the fluff they have now) they can be set free in the backyard.  If we set them loose now and they found the pond (and went in, which they would because ducks can't STOP themselves from getting into water) they would sink like stones (or so the duck dealer tells me).  Once they have their "real" feathers, they will float like corks.
Sleepy or suspicious?  Or both?

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