Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ducks getting bigger and braver every day

But not by very much. They have a tendency to fall over and flounder about as they try to get upright again.

We set up a little day pen for them to play in. At night, they have to go back into their box, all locked up safe and sound from the terrible predators roaming these parts.

They divide their days up with: long naps, shorts bursts of running from one end of the pen to the other, and paddling in their water bowl. (They splash the water much more than they drink it.)

They are too small to be let loose in the yard. Also, they don't have feathers yet so they get cold and aren't water proof. If they find the pond they will jump in (water is like heroin to a duck--they can NOT leave it alone!) and sink like four fluffy little stones. They should be coated with feathers by mid July. At that point, they get to run loose in the yard and sleep in the big duck house with Pretzel. (Who, by the way, if feeling his oats again. Mourning officially ended when the weather got hot this week and I spent a few days outside in the back yard with him, planting mint and working on the flowers. Just like old times, me and Pretzel, digging holes and watering plants and paddling in the mud--it doesn't get better than that!)

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