Thursday, June 28, 2018

Sylvester's digs get a make over

About three years ago we got a huge something mailed to us in this box (I can't remember what it was). Sylvester adopted the box as his own. So, we but a hole in the door and, eventually, gave the house a sign. I always hoped that Sylvester would get tired of the box and we could get rid of it, but no such thing. If anything, the older he gets, the more he needs his Box Time during stressful moments. Finally fed up with looking at it, I decided to paint it. I used all the paints we have around the house that we have used either in the kids room's walls or on their furniture. He was a bit put out while it was drying, and very upset that we had to move around the paper nest he had made. But he is in the process of forgiving us.

Sylvester helped me organize my yarn.

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