Sunday, April 29, 2018

Thomas's not so secret side

Because Thomas runs only if burning the candle at both ends and in the middle, being a full time student (and for Thomas, being "full time" means "speeding through a four year program in three years") fails to challenge him adequately so he took on the job of "adjudicator" for local (Chicago) high school debate teams. He started this last Fall for something to do on Saturdays and to earn a bit of scratch. He sent me a photo of this with these words a few months ago:

"I judged for a HS tournament today and got nominated for and won the best adjudicator award, this gift card." Thomas claims that this if further evidence of the power of his "do gooding." I am just glad to see he is wearing the purple cardigan I knitted for him this past winter (with a zipper--if only he had any idea of what a pain it is to install a zipper into a knitted cardigan!!)

And then THIS happened: It's good to be appreciated, that's for sure.

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