Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Painting our bedroom

Unable to stay out of Thomas's beautiful new library, we decided that it was about time we painted our bedroom--which we had never got to when we moved here (which will be 19 years ago in two months). We argued long and hard about a color and finally settled on something that I think of as vanilla ice cream.  It took a whole day to move everything (except the bed) out, clean the walls, baseboards and floor--a truly shocking experience to see how much filth a person can live with.  Simon gets the pleasure of painting the walls and ceiling (ice cream on the right, the original fluorescent white on the left).
This room is odd shaped (all the rooms upstairs are odd) and so there are little crevices to get into, plus three windows and two doors to deal with.  We also found a lot of old cable cords and telephone wires stapled to various parts (walls, floors, baseboards) and those had to be stripped out, too, since they have't been used in over a decade (or, in the case of the telephone cord, several decades).
I clean the ceiling fan once but it is still grimy, so that will have to get cleaned again when we finally get near the end.
So the painting is done and now I get to paint the trim--which is the real art.
It took about 5 hours to paint all the trim with a first coat yesterday.  Today I am going to do a second coat (if the day goes as planned).  Then comes the window washing (it's a lot easier to wash the windows inside and out if there aren't any dressers or beds in the way).  THEN I want to make new roller blinds, as I did in Thomas's bedroom--only ours won't be royal purple.

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