Sunday, April 8, 2018

Thomas's Library

Here we are nearing the final stages of revamping Thomas's room.  Finally we have painted enough blue to cover that old lime green and that other color we uncovered, a color that has no name and has surely never appeared anywhere else on this planet ever before.
Much better.  What you can't see in this photo is that pulling those shelves away from around the door left raw plaster where baseboards and wood trim should be.  So I had to make yet ANOTHER trip to Home Depot and rig something together.
And now the shelves get assembled.  Enough jokes about how impossible assembling IKEA furniture is so I will set those aside and simply join the chorus and say, "IVAR ain't fun."
I took pictures of Thomas's shelves before I took them apart so I could put them together exactly the same.  Then, somehow, an extra shelf load of Wii games magically appeared while I was putting together the shelves and shot that plan to shit.  Isn't that always the way.
Nearly done now.  And I left Thomas with two empty shelves for some of the stuff he is bringing home from Chicago next month.
Here is a new shelf to hold the books that used to be on two of the purple shelves that go taken down.  (And where are those shelves?  Who put them up into what bedroom in this town?  I hope the room is lime green so they fit in.)  Note, too, how I made sure that there are three empty shelves for all of Thomas's millions of cds, which go everywhere with him--back and forth to Chicago, on a 9500 mile trek around the country.  He will be buried with those cds!
And now the second new shelf set (and which completes Thomas's current library), which now holds books that were in the built-in green shelf thing (which also go snapped up by someone!).
Now I just have to finish a few more coats of paint on the doors with windows (painting around the 15 little glass panes is 15 big pains) and hang up some curtains over the balcony door to keep out the elements.  (As the weather warmed I wondered if that was really necessary but the recent ice storm blew right into Thomas's room so, yeah, the door needs some serious sealing/insulation attention.

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