Sunday, March 25, 2018

Clearing out Thomas's room, contd.

We divided the task into 6 sections and took on one section each day Thomas was here. Plainly Thomas is severely anemic because 20 minutes of intense decision making ("Throw it away or keep it? Keep it out or store it?") left him exhausted and weak--though not too weak to eat a full meal every 2-3 hours.  Here is stuff that fall into the "keep but store in the basement" category.
This was the last day, just the wii and some random games left to sort through. 
A much needed gaming break.
Here is the desk area fully cleared out.  The wall shelf units are slated to be taken down.
Here is the big bookcase fully cleaned and organized. 
Half of Thomas "library", which he intends to fatten up.  It's a modest start, but I am sure it will grow.
Removing about 14 bags worth of stuff (some thrown away, most to Goodwill) revealed how old and stained the walls are, never mind that the green is mind bogglingly bright.  So, as with the blue room which I finished with last month, this will have to get spackled and painted.  It's going to look SO NICE--it's a crime that Thomas is only in it 12 or so weeks a year.

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