Friday, March 30, 2018

Repainting Thomas's Green Room pt. 1

There was a set of built-in shelved all around the door to Thomas's balcony door and it was time they went. It was amazingly easy to pull them down. As usual I wondered why I hadn't pulled them down 19 years ago. Behind one that was shaped like a shoe rack I found a heap of very mysterious papers and maps. One bit of paper was a Christmas program for a church dated from 1953. There was also a Phillips 66 map to "Indian Territory." Strange.  You can also see the complete history of this room on this baseboard:  Puke green/brown one the lowest layer, followed up by powder baby pink, then the lurid lime green Thomas picked out.
There is the show rack on the floor and behind it the ugliest green/brown paint I have ever seen on a wall in my life.
Here is the other corner with the purple bookshelves Thomas and I built about 10 years ago pulled down, leaving behind a lot of large holes in the wall.
Here is the bookcase pulled out also revealing the same putrid brown/green paint--and an absence of baseboards.  So finding wood and trim and fitting them along the floor in that corner is now another thing to do to finish this room.
Rainy day today--and no one wants the old shelf.

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