Sunday, February 25, 2018

New TV!

Using Jami's birthday as an excuse, I bought us a new TV.  43", it said.  This necessitated some serious re-arranging of the Ikea shelving in our sitting room:
I made the bold (rash?) decision to get rid of TWO UNITS from my stereo - a 5-disk changer that had started to jam and the tape player (don't worry, I still have one connected to my computer at work).  Here they are ready for the firing squad:
And here they are at the end of the driveway.  A truck stopped about an hour later, and they were adopted to a farm in the country (or so we'll tell Thomas when he comes home from college):
The new setup (Jami finds the TV gluttonish and extravagant, but that hasn't stopped her watching it):
(Sylvester's a big Columbo fan.  But then, who isn't?)

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