Wednesday, February 28, 2018

New couch!

No, we haven't won the lottery or something - the couch was paid for a long time ago, it just took them forever to make it (it's an internet thing).  It was actually our Xmas present to each other.  Anyway, today was the day of the big arrival, so we had to shunt our old faithful, that's been with us since Arkansas (so... 1997?) and through a re-covering, to the side.
 Yuck - don't look under the cushions.
 It tried to make itself bigger so it wouldn't fit out the door, but we were wise to its efforts.
 Re-creating the "Friends" title sequence!
 Plenty of room for skateboarding...
 Here comes the giant box o'couch.
 Fitting through the door surprisingly easily...
 On go the legs...
Frederick was briefly suspicious, but appears to have acclimatized...
It's got a lovely soft covering that will stay looking nice for as long as our cats stay hiding upstairs from the delivery guys.

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