Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Windy City Earns Its Nickname

Thomas finished his semester yesterday and is heading home today...very, very slowly. Chicago truly is The Windy City today and Thomas's train left the station over an hour past the scheduled time. I can check into to see his train's progress. Right now, it is plodding along at 27 mph. There he is, the blue arrow, just outside Gary, Indiana:Still, since the train station is less than a mile from our house, it beats driving out there to get him. I just hope he had the sense he wasn't born with the wear his damn winter coat. Martha, Thomas's faithful feline, dutifully waits for him, though staying awake is proving difficult: (Ooh--now we're talking; I just checked again and now he's flying along at 87 mph!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope Martha has her favourite lap back safely.
