Wednesday, October 26, 2016

New chairs!

We've never been happy with the chairs in our living room, both because they were not particularly attractive but also because they were uncomfortable (or so Simon claimed---"Oooh, my back!" he whined incessantly). Unfortunately, all furniture in all nearby stores were similarly ugly and uncomfortable, so it seemed we were stuck with suffering. Then, I discovered an online furniture store that offered funky looking furniture which you could custom build, picking out the fabric and wood stain of your choice), and also offered free delivery. After we placed the order, we got daily updates on the furniture--including emails that said things like "Juan cut the Apple Spice fabric for the Hughes Penthouse ottoman today." Finally, after much to do, they finally arrived. And here they are!

They are unbelievably comfortable.

We'll never fight for the spot on the couch at tv time again!

Now, of course, the rest of the furniture on our living room looks shabby. The couch doesn't deserve to be in the same room as these chairs.