Saturday, October 29, 2016


This year Frederick asked for a dinosaur costume, bit didn't specify the specific type of dinosaur, just that he wanted LOTS of spikes, plates and horns. Thus instructed I set off for Walmart as they have the widest selection of inexpensive sweatshirts, hoodies and matching pants. Normally I have to content myself with black or blue (though last year there was grape purple for a change) but fashion this year requires neon clothing. This was a pleasant change not only because I am tired of working with black (which is hard to see), but also because it's nice to be able to see Frederick after dark. Then of course, over to Joanne's Fabrics for neon fleece (head swimming from the smell of cinnamon pine cones--those who have seen Sponge Bob Square Pants will know of what I speak): Here's the tail. I had a brainwave when making the tail. Normally I attach it to the back of the sweat pants but that creates problems both for sitting down and also, the pants start to drag a bit after a while. So this year I attahed velcro to the pants and tail so the tail is detachable.Here is the back of the top, hanging from a chair in our dining room. Frederick's Halloween party is Monday, so then I will get pictures of him all dressed up.

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