Saturday, September 24, 2016

Visiting our firstborn

 Approaching Thomas's dorm building.  Those amazing gargoyles sit atop the Chicago public library, where Thomas spends a lot of his time.
 Here's his building.  I found a place to park on the next block for a not-too-exhorbitant fee, but discovered that parking spots are a lot tinier where space is at a premium.
 Having collected Thomas, we now set out for breakfast.  Tall buildings abound.
 After breakfast Thomas showed me inside the library.  Very fancy.
 Up on the sixth floor, Thomas partakes of a community project.  Apparently these puzzles (there are many) sit out for days and weeks while many different people drop by and add pieces.  This is the extent of Thomas's interest in baseball.
 After that we retrieved the things Thomas requested I bring (Wii U game system, bassoon, plus various things his mother seemed to think he'd need, like cereal and a potted plant) from the car and lugged them up to his room on the tenth floor.  (Okay, we took the elevator - which was so fancy it has a TV in it.)  This is his view.  If you squint you can see Lake Michigan.
 Talking of which, here we are, off to Shedd Aquarium, on the shores of same.  Thomas walks EVERYwhere.
 Across roads...
 Through parks...
 And into the famed aquarium.  The tilework is particularly impressive.
 As are the plaster cornices.  (Is that what they are?)
My favorite thing was tickling the fish.  I can't remember what kind they were, but they seemed to like it.  They were about the size of our cats.  The younger ones had rough skin but the older ones (who seemed particularly to enjoy having their tummies tickled) felt slimy.  Unfortunately the person who sat there watching to make sure we were nice to the fish wouldn't let me video them.  So you'll have to make do with this magnificently old moss-covered snapping turtle.
 After a LONG time in there, it's time to head back.
And here we are approaching Thomas's building from the rear.  Jami intends to plan ahead one day and book a room in that Travelodge, so we don't have to stay in godforsaken Indiana.
All-in-all a very pleasant visit.  Thomas seems to have settled in.  Says he likes his classes, and his professors (especially his Rhetoric professor who is an old hippy who, despite having tales of his acid trips, is "pretty sharp").  Seems to be eating well enough and certainly has the stamina to leave me in the dustl

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a very positive start.
