Saturday, September 3, 2016

Leaving Thomas in Chicago

On Friday, my last day in Chicago, Thomas and I agreed that I would arrive at his dorm building (here is the revolving entrance door) at 10. I showed up a few minutes early and called him to let him know I was there. He sounded sleepy but denied that he was just woken from sleep. I didn't believe him, but he did manage to get down within a very few minutes so he can spring into action when he needs to.
Here is the outside of his building from the street.
While I was waiting in the lobby (pictured below) I noticed this fish in the salt tank, a puffer fish I believe.  When Thomas was smaller (though not much smaller), he asked if he could have a salt tank because he wanted a puffer fish.  The selling points of puffer fish seemed to be (a) they are ridiculously expensive (around $500 each) and (b) their teeth never stop growing and so owners need to file them regularly (if you don't believe me, check out the instructional videos people put up of them filing their puffer fish teeth).  I didn't get Thomas that tank, or a puffer fish, so I was pleased to see a puffer fish in the tank in the lobby of his dorm building.  If Thomas plays his cards right, he can get the job of official puffer fish tooth filer.
I'm waiting for Thomas.  I saw a lot of students moving in with the help of their parents.  The parents looked frazzled and anxious, and the students all looked peevish and burdened (by the presence of the parents).  Ambivalence in the air.
After Thomas came down, we headed off to pick up his student id card and find the music department for some much needed advising.  We then had one last meal together (Thomas insisted he wasn't hungry and then polished an impressive stack of Belgian french toasts with banana, strawberries and cream) before we headed back to my car (parked here, at that Park 1 for the modest $16 for three hours).  Thomas is in that picture, headed back to his dorm, or some place else, I don't know.
I've gotten a few brief (very brief) emails and texts from him, so I know he is alive.  We will have to assume that he is doing well.


Unknown said...

New era. Good and bad. Good that Thomas is making his own independent connections with the world. Bad because he won't be able to depend on you. But maybe that is good too.


Unknown said...

Has life stopped now he's gone?
