Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thomas's room

It took a surprisingly long time to unpack Thomas's stuff, at least it seemed that way to me. Including Thomas, there are four boys in his dorm room--two share one half and two the other, with the bathroom in between. Thomas was the first to arrive and so picked the bed he wanted--right next to the window. (I would have done the same.) Here is the view he can enjoy: Same view, looking over to the left. You can easily see Lake Michigan from his room.And now out the window to the right.Here is Thomas working hard to set up his computer/desk area. Yesterday he couldn't use his laptop as we didn't think to bring an ethernet cable but, once we bought that, he had no problem hooking up his laptop and his printer. Every room is supplied with enough landline telephones so that each kid has their own. Weird--I didn't think anyone used landlines anymore. He has free calls to anyone within the building and within a 15 mile radius of his room. That's a lot of people he can call, if he so chooses. I'm now standing over next to the as of yet non-existent room mate's bed. The room is small, but perfectly bright and pleasant. I am standing in the same place, just turned to the left. You can see the door to the hallway over on the side, next to the closet--this is Thomas's closet. Picking which closet to take took Thomas longer than picking the bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks good so far.
