Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thomas's last Honors Percussion Quartet Recital, May 16th

As Simon likes to say four or five times a day, "it's all go for Thomas."  Rob went all out to put together a very "minimalist" (his word) show, with a theme on primitive/"earthy" motifs.  This first number confused some members of the audience (who shall remain nameless).  The idea, according to Rob, is that a percussion instrument--the oldest kind of musical humans have had--is more than a drum.  It concerns anything that requires rhythm.

This piece features small ceramic drums and the classic African style call and response rhythms.

A crowd-pleaser featuring Thomas on the vibraphone, one of his favorite instruments.  (Why, oh why, don't we buy one for him?)

Another snappy piece:

Here the kids are doing another African style call and response with Rob.  Here they are all playing finger "pianos", amplified on the ceramic drum heads used earlier.  According to Rob, finger pianos are not, typically, concert performance instruments and so are not designed to be heard in large spaces, hence the need for amplification.  I never heard Thomas practice this (though, if he did at 3 in the morning, how would I know?) but I did notice the appearance of this small finger piano in his percussion tote a few months ago and did wonder.  I didn't bother asking as I knew he wouldn't tell me, so I am glad I saw this as all my questions were answered.

Last piece, a nice number featuring all the boys on a large variety of percussion instruments, some playing two or three different instruments all at the same time.

HPQ has been such a great opportunity for Thomas, I am so glad Rob created the group four years ago so that Thomas could perform every year for the past four years.  It was a ton of extra work, on top of his usual private lesson obligations and his obligations for the wind ensemble and the orchestra.  Finding time slots when all could meet was next to impossible, but Rob managed it and I think the results are just amazing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks and sounds like fun.
