Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Isn't That Just Like a Thomas

Thomas is a master procrastinator, putting off addressing all important obligations to the last minute--or, just as often, not doing any prep work at all--EXCEPT for a few projects which are dear to him. One such vitally important project (in Thomas's mind) is preparing the picture and bio for his senior recital program flyer.  This has been preoccupying him for weeks, perhaps months. Here is a photo I took recently of him that I quite like, but Thomas deemed it wholly unacceptable. Why? The shadows, the frizz, the lighting, the angle, the colors...So, back to square 1. I guess it is safe to assume THIS picture will never feature on a mug.

UPDATE (5/30/2016):  Exhausted from all the graduation parties and late night marimba practicing, Thomas agreed that he simply couldn't be bothered to organize another photo session, and so this photo 'would have to do.'  I insisted that it is a perfectly good photo, but clearly it doesn't come close to his "vision."  Maybe it will end up on a coffee mug after all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks very superior though.
